The DashieXP Wiki


Red bull is a popular energy drink that Dashie enjoys. He then sometimes gets really hyper from all that caffeine from the Red Bull. Dashie used to drink Red Bull on regular basis, but due to his weight and health issues and his fans (for ether being worried about his health, or annoyed by how hyper he gets), Dashie was forced to stop drinking red bull. Though Dashie's fans do seem to joke/believe that dash is still secretly drinking Red Bulls on the side. Nowadays Dashie drinks ether v8 (which the can is ironically the same as a Red Bull can) or water.


  • Dashie has also been seen drinking monster.
  • Michael (Dashies cousin) drinks blue berry Red Bull.
  • Donkey Kong is shown to have a sports drink called "Burning DK" in Mario kart 8.

    A Red Bull can
